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Sunday, February 27, 2011


Today we had a fireside at Brother Woolf's house and it was for all the youth in our ward. Bishop McDonald came also. Brother Woolf spoke about hunters or "mountain men" and how, way back in the day, they fur trapped. They would trap the animals, take the fur, and eat the meat. He talked about the various traps. Snares, cages, holes, etc. Then he brought out a fox trap. He took a pencil and put it in the fox trap, and the pencil completely broke in half. It could've even taken off a finger. He said that there are "traps" that are just as deadly out in the world like drugs, immorality, the wrong crowd of friends, violence, bad movies, and so much more! And then he took a sponge, and on one side he drew a happy face and on the other side he drew a sad face. The sponge was so happy at first, just hopping around, but then his friends started tempting him to have just one cigarette. Then to just see one rated R movie. The sponge moved further and further to the trap, and eventually fell in. The trap got a hold of it. But we talked about repentance and the people who are there to always help pry you out of your mess. He talked about how Satan always disguises his traps like hunters used camouflage with their traps. He said that we needed to wriggle ourselves out before "the mountain man" a.k.a Satan could come and get us. I really thought that it was a good lesson. Also, yesterday I bought a calendar and the movie How to Train Your Dragon! I was more excited about the calendar. I'm such a nerd. Who gets excited about calendars? This gal! Organization makes me happy. That's pretty much all I have for you today!

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