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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Art Bug.

So I literally am probably the biggest little kid you will ever meet! I love art projects and I love finding new ones. I like to record them down somewhere so maybe I can do them with my nephew, Liam, when he's old enough and maybe my own future kids. Anyways, I found these cool monsters to make (and I always call my nephew 'Liam Monster.' I think this project will be perfect for him when he's about 3!) and here's how you make them.First you have to make the paper, which should look like this:

Use small Styrofoam cups to mix about a tablespoon of water, a teaspoon acrylic paint and a big squirt of dish washing soap. If the bubbles aren't producing well, add a tiny bit more water and more drops of soap. Colors not dark enough? Add more paint. Just mess around with it until you get what you want.

Mix all those together with a straw. And then, using the straw, blow into the mixture.

Remember how Mom would get mad at you for blowing bubbles into your milk? This is your revenge.

Once the bubbles reach the top edge of the cup, gently place heavy cardstock or watercolor paper on the bubbles. The bubbles will POP --- leaving an imprint on your paper!  Keep blowing bubbles and letting them pop all over your paper. This is messy. your face will look like rainbow loveliness when you are done. And either do this project outside or lay down a newspaper or dropcloths before you begin. It's quite cool when you're finished!

After you make the paper, cut random shapes out of the bubble paper and add details with fine-line Sharpies.

They should look a little something like this! : ) I hope you enjoy making these with your families. That's my plan! Little kids love this project. It gives them a chance to use their imagination AND get messy in the process. Enjoy.

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