My Blog List

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Blog

Hello everyone.
So I think it is time for me to have a blog so I can start recording all the fun times I have in high school and beyond. Everyone says high school is supposed to be the time of your life, right? I'm hoping this blog will stay with me long beyond high school! But, just to tell you a little bit about me, I'm like any average girl. I'm LDS and I love my church and what it stands for. I have such a strong testimony which is still developing, and I love to be around people who have a testimony who's just as strong as mine. Or even better, I like teaching my friends what they don't know about my beliefs. I love my family and friends. To me, there is no difference honestly. Your family is the friends you choose also, not just the people genetically related to you. They are always my number one! I love music. I play piano and my teacher is Sister McClain. I LOVE her so much! She really and truly is like my second mother. I admire her and her family so much and I hope to have a family like them of my own some day. I'm going to start vocal lessons soon, so I'm excited about that. I'm hoping to go to BYU Idaho when I get older and minor in music. To talk about school, I'm doing a lot better! My first semester was a little shaky since I didn't know a lot of the material we were covering and I felt as if I always had to keep up. But this semester I'm adjusting rather quickly and I would love to thank all of you who listened to me ramble on the phone about how I will never make it to BYU. Thank you guys for smacking sense into me. ; ) I can be rather stubborn, and I'm always told so. My blog is named after my favorite primary song. Another song I really like is called Nephi's Courage. Yes, yes, yes. I'm getting to the exciting part. I DO have a crush, blogspot. But his name will not be mentioned on this blog for safety purposes. : ) But, most of you who know me probably know who it is if I haven't told you already. I may post some music, videos, songs, and pictures on here. Anything that amuses me. I wish I would've posted pictures from my freshman year on here but I thought they were horrible and deleted them off of my computer! : ) haha.  I go to seminary in the morning and I love it. I honestly don't remember how I started my day without the gospel as my jump starter. I'm fun and I love people. I do not match the definition of Introvert whatsoever! So don't be afraid to talk to me. I want all of my wishes and dreams to come true. For my future right now I'm hoping to marry a returned missionary, go to BYU Idaho and minor in music, and then down the line start a family. But that's way down the line! So for right now you will hear my rambles about seminary, high school, boys, church, my days. All me. I hope you will be my safe haven. : )

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