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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Goal setting.

Lately, our Bishop talked about how important it is to set goals, and more importantly, strive to accomplish our goals. He talked about how statistics show that when you actually write your goals down somewhere where you are sure to see them, then you will accomplish them. So here are my long term goals and short term goals (and keep in mind, this is only what I've got so far. I'm sure my list will add as I grow throughout the year).
Short term goals:
1. Keep with homework.
2. Get A's and B's. No C's.
3. Keep memorizing my scripture masteries (so far, I'm the best in the class!).
4. Read my scriptures more often.
5. Finish my Personal Progress and get my medallion before my birthday. My goal is somewhere towards the middle of April.
6. Go to EFY, Youth Conference, and Girls Camp.
7. Get an Ipod with Itunes cards so I can put a lot of songs on it for my birthday.
8. Take a photography class.
9. Take a child care taking class.

Long term goals:
1. Get my driver's license.
2. Graduate from high school with a GPA of something close to 4.0.
3. Go on dates!
4. Go to BYU Utah (but if not there, then BYU Idaho).
5. Minor in music.
6. Marry a returned missionary in the temple.
7. Become a music teacher like Sister McClain, where she teaches kids how to play piano and gives voice lessons.
8. Let Photography become my hobby.
9. Have a family and raise them in a fun, peaceful, gospel-centered home.
10. Go on a mission with my husband when we're older.
11. Travel.
12. Become a grandmother.

I hope that all of these come true and I will try my hardest to work at them! Like I said, there will probably be more later throughout the year, but as of now, this is what I have. I guess this makes up for my non-existent New Years Revolution. ; ) 

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