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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fun Ways to Spell.

I know that when I was little, I loved to read, write, and spell. They were my favorite. My nephew Liam is already so good at saying some of his letters and he's not even 2 yet. By the way, you know how I said I change the names I  like a lot for my kids? Well, I was thinking about my friend Annie, because she has a cute little niece named Airlia. Isn't that so pretty? I love it. Airlia and Evelyn are names I really like as of now. Anyways, to prepare for teaching my nephew how to spell (because I know that most of it will be my teaching and some of it will be my sister, Jennifer's), I was blog surfing one day and came across some pretty cool ways to spell and have fun with the letters of the alphabet (aside from watching Sesame Street). : )

Flash Cards: My mom did this to me when I was little and I loved it. Nonetheless, I am a flash card fan - not to endlessly flip them in front of a kid's face - but to use in games and activities.

Stairsteps: Write the words as if they are stairs, adding one letter at a time. S, Sp, Spe, Spel, Spell.

Tic-Tac-Toe: Make a larger-sized board. Have each player use an 'X' or an 'O' but in order to mark on the board, they have to spell a word correctly.

Word Scramble: Scramble up the letters of each word and have the kids put them in the correct order.

Water Paint: Use water and a paintbrush to water paint the spelling words. On a hot, sunny day, words disappear quickly -- so the speller has to move fast!

Spelling Word Hunt: Look for the words in other spelling lists, the newspaper, books, and magazines.

Word Train: Use the letters to have your child create a 'word train' by using the first and last letter of the first word to begin the second word and so on: cat/tap/pan.

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