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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Family Home Evening.

So one thing that my family is really bad at is Family Home Evening. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's where you sit together with your family, have a lesson prepared, and learn more about the gospel. My family is really bad at doing that. We do it sometimes, but not as often as we should. When I move into my own home and have my own family, my goal is to have family home evening once a week. I'm not going to promise that it will be on Mondays, like advised, but in my home I just want to have family home evening. I want to have it before we all go to bed and after we eat dinner. So since I prepared my lesson for this week already, I was looking for lessons that I can keep to remember when I'm older so when I have my own family I can refer back to this and have some good lessons! Here are some really good ones that I found.

1- Gather items to make banana splits (bananas, chocolate sauce, ice cream, ect)
2- Scriptures

Nephi's Courage

Turn to 1 Nephi 17-18

Tell the story of Nephi building the boat; One day the Lord told Nephi to build a boat to carry him and his family to the promised land. Nephi didn't know how to make a boat, but he made tools and trusted in the Lord that he would be able to do it. Also the coloring page is just to keep them entertained while they listen to the story. If my kids are anything like me then they listen ten times better when they're actually productive and doing something. After you're done telling the story, ask your children the following questions:
1- Why did Nephi build the boat?
2- How did Nephi build the boat?
3- What did Laman and Lemuel say to Nephi when they say him building the boat?
4- What happened when they tried to throw Nephi into the sea?
5- Does the Lord protect those who are doing good for him?
6- What did Laman and Lemuel do to Nephi on the ship?
7- What happened when they untied him?

Explain that Heavenly Father blesses us when we do what we're supposed to do, even if it seems hard.
Activity: Coloring Page
Treat: Make banana split "boats." 

Here's another one:
1- A bag of marshmellows, large ones
2- Scriptures

Opening Song:
I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus

Ether 1:33

(As you read this story or tell in your own words, tell your kids to start stacking the marshmallows on top of one another like a tower. Eventually, the tower will fall).

Jared and his brother lived in a place called Babel. Many people who did not worship Heavenly Father and did things that were bad lived there as well. Those people decided that they wanted to get to heaven and the best way for them to do this was to build a tower. The people began to build this tower one brick at a time. As they built the tower, it made the Lord very angry. The Lord changed the language of every person who worked on the tower. This way they could not understand each other or finish the tower. The tower eventually fell apart because it wasn't finished. Jared and his brother were good and obeyed the teachings of the Lord. Because of this the Lord spared Jared and his brother and did not change their language. 

1- Why was the tower built?
2- How did the Lord feel about this?
3- What happened to those who built the tower?

Heavenly Father blesses his children when we do what we are supposed to and obey him. In order to get to heaven and see Him again, we must obey him.

Marshmallow Taffy
1- Wash your hands.
2- Get 2-3 large marshmallows. Small ones work also, but you need to use more and they are harder to work with.
3- Put the marshmallows into your hand and begin to rip them up and push them together.
4- Keep working them in motions that mix and mash at the same time.
5- Keep working it until it is smooth and free of any little lumps from the marshmallows original form.
6- After your mixture is smooth, you can eat it right of your hand.

I'll probably do more posts on more cool lessons when I find them. There are many, but this post is getting too long. If you've read this far, bravo. : )

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