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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Family Home Evening.

So I figured because it is Sunday, after all, that I should be doing something church related. So I found a really good Family Home Evening lesson. I hope I get to keep all of these lessons to share with a family of my own someday. Oh, by the way, so you know how I said that my names change a lot for my kids? Well, I was wondering what I would name my daughter if I had one. And the name Bethany came to my mind. I thought it over and figured it was okay, but I tried to think of other options. But for some reason, BETHANY just came into my mind. And then I went to my dance and a lady was walking around with her new baby. When I went up to ask if I could hold her, guess what I found out her name was? That's right, audience. You guessed it. Bethany. I'm taking this as a sign? Bethany it is. : )

Anyways, here's the lesson:

Overcoming Challenges 
1. Collect pearls, a ping pong ball, and a jar filled with rice.
2. Gather pencils and paper.
3. Scriptures.
4. Purchase pre-made/refrigerated cookie dough

Opening song: Nephi's Courage

Activity: Pass out paper and pencil and have each family member list 5 things that happened in his/her lifetime. these can be happy, sad, thought-provoking, funny, or serious. Allow anyone who wishes to share their list with the family. Show the pearls: Pearls come from oysters. An oyster is a shell fish that lives in the ocean. They have a very hard shell that protects them, but sometimes a grain of sand can get inside the shell and it causes a lot of pain and discomfort to the oyster. God has given the oyster a way to ease that pain. When a grain of sand gets in there, the oyster oozes out a liquid that coats the grain of sand and then it hardens. The oyster keeps doing this over and over again until the grain of sand no longer causes pain. This is how a pearl is made. Something that started out being painful turned into something very beautiful and valuable. In that same way, we can make something negative turn into something positive by having the right attitude.

Place a ping pong ball inside a jar and discuss challenges we might face in our lives. As each person mentions one, allow them to put a smell scoop of rice in the jar. Continue this until the rice is about 2 inches from the top of the jar. The rice will eventually cover the ball. Then read D&C 63:47. Put a lid on the jar and gently shake it. The ping pong ball will rise to the top. Just as this ball "overcame" the rice, we can overcome the world.

Go back to the list of experiences your family made. Name at least one blessing that came from each experience. (Children may need help identifying what is a blessing). Brainstorm with your kids and husband/wife on ways to turn a negative into a positive.

Write these down on  a piece of paper and hang them up somewhere they will be seen on a daily basis:
1. Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would you  have to look forward to?
2. Be thankful when you don't know something. It gives you can opportunity to learn.
3. Be thankful for difficult times. During those times, you grow.
4. Be thankful for your limitations. They give you an opportunity to grow.
5. Be thankful for each new challenge. It will build your strength and character.
6. Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you a valuable lesson.
7. Be thankful when you're tired and weary. It means you've made a difference.
8. Be thankful for your troubles. They can become your blessings.

Activity: Think of someone you know who could use a "lift" in spirit. Make cookies using the pre-made cookie dough. Let your children make a card to go with the plate of cookies and deliver them.

Treat: Eat the remaining cookies as a family.

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