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Friday, March 18, 2011

{tra la la...let's be random}

Doesn't this picture remind you of those awkward moments when you're in a bad mood and you don't know why? I HATE it when that happens, even though it rarely does to me. Normally if I'm mad, there's a reason. Some people don't even know what I look like mad. Which, of course, is a good thing because then they don't see the smoke coming out of my ears, my face turning purple. Ya know. The usual. And part of why I posted this picture is because Lilo is on it. I used to watch that show, all day, errrdayy. I WANT TO BE JUST LIKE HER WHEN I GROW UP. :)


I had pizza like 20 minutes ago at Fortel's. So, this picture is legit. I AM PIZZA.

Oh and also. I've been in a painting frenzy lately. Kind of like an art frenzy. Well. Actually. I always have an art frenzy. I say, if you have the chance to make something creative, why not take it? Just Tuesday at my piano teacher's house, her daughter Karlee and I were looking for some crayons to color a pretty princess picture, when I come across some water color paint laying on the shelves. Hmmm. What the heck? The kids liked it. Especially Erix! He thought it was SO amazing that he had to put the whole paintbrush in his mouth! He thought he could get away with it until his mother saw a bluish rainbowy mess covering his mouth. You ain't so fly, Erix. I'll have to teach you and prepare you for next time;)

And, while I'm ranting, I would like to add that I'm tired of creepers making facebooks. Go back to Myspace. Suriously.

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