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Sunday, March 20, 2011

{bishop appointment...}

I had my appointment with the Bishop today so hopefully I can get my Young Women's medallion soon! It was so nice just getting to sit and talk with him, and with it just being the two of us. We learned a lot about each other and we laughed and had so much fun. He's so wonderful to talk to and one of the best listeners. You can tell he sincerely cares about what's happening, and he also throws in some bad puns in here and there (haha just kidding, Bishop). He's amazing. He asked me how I was doing in school, and I told him I had all A's and one B. He asked me what the B was in and I said English, and he was like, "Whaaaattttttt?! English? I heard your teacher loves you in that class!" I was like, "Where'd you hear that from?" And he was like, "Ryan! He told me that you're teacher loves you and that she doesn't like Kory very much." It was funny! It really was nice getting to talk to him and I just wanted my blog to know that so I can remember it. :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had your appointment! You want a gold or silver medallion?
